2009年11月24日 星期二

To have a full view to Google Technologies (because they improve too fast to catch up with), here I try to summarize the tech they announced and briefly give descriptions. All changes will not extend to other paragraphs, so this chapter will be changes all the way out.

1. Google Frame :
2. Google Gears :
3. Closure Tools :
4. SPDY :
5. Ajax's API :
6. HTML 5 :
7. CSS 3 :
8. ActionScript 3.0 : I don't think it will be necessary, even I don't think Flash is a solution!

News - SPDY

After Google Frame, SPDY has been published as a replacement to HTTP protocol to speed 2x page loading on the web.

To try to speed up the web, Google provides solutions not only from browsers(Application Layer), but from Session and Presentation Layers, SPDY.

1. Google Frame : can plug into IE.
2. Google Gears : offline Ajax.
3. Google Chrome : web browser.
4. Google SPDY : protocol.

Speed, Simplicity and Security...

2009年11月23日 星期一

Flash - New Experience

Flash is one of tons knowledge I need to know.
I can teach my son, he will be interested in that. :)

Check this, if you like to learn.

Books List
01. Advanced ActionScript 3 with design patterns
02. ActionScript 3 Cookbook
01. Flex 3 Cookbook

2009年11月22日 星期日

News - Chrome OS

有一篇文章,提到Google Chrome OS的優缺點.
不講優點, 我想看一下作者所論及的缺失.

1. "谷歌Gmail服務也曾于今年2月和9月發生過兩次宕機事件."
的確! 對Web application Provider來說, Server crash是相當嚴重的事. Reliability and Recovery 是嚴肅的問題!
2. "考慮錢的問題...使用Chrome OS的整體費用卻會有所增加"
我想這裡指的是租用儲存空間,頻寬等..., 當然,天下沒有白吃的午餐, 商業模式會隨市場規模的改便而調整, 所以這點我想可以觀察.
3. "並非所有任務都需要通過互聯網來運行,但是緩存所提供的離線體驗無法與功能齊全的桌面軟件媲美"
我想"功能齊全"這些問題, 因為Web Application 遠比 Offline/Standalone Application 開發的較晚, 若我們看PC Game的例子, 現在市場上單機的Game反而開發的少, Online Game到處都是. 雖然Online Game與 Web Application有異有同, 但我想要強調的反而是要去看到Online 與Offline的優缺.

作者最後提到Phoenix Technologies出的HyperSpace,並提到兩套系統共存...這讓我想到"油電混合車", 聽起來很酷, 但這意味著兩套系統帶來的複雜度與核心問題..."油耗". 油耗與載重成正比, "油電混合車" 會比"油車"或"電車"輕? 製造與操作更簡單?

2009年11月19日 星期四

Architecture of Chrome OS

Google announced its architecture of Chrome OS as above.

Prerequisites of Building Chrome OS

System Prerequisites
  1. Linux distribution : Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron).
  2. Disk Space : 10 GB at least.
  3. 64-bit system. (better)
Software Requirement
  1. Python >= 2.4
  2. Perl >= 5.x
  3. gcc/g++ >= 4.2
  4. g++-multilib >=4.2
  5. bison >= 2.3
  6. flex >= 2.5.34
  7. gperf >= 3.0.4
  8. pkg-config >= 0.20
  9. libnss3-dev >= 3.12
  10. libasound2-dev
  11. libgconf2-dev
  12. libglib2.0-dev
  13. libgtk2.0-dev
  14. libnspr4-0d >= 4.7.1+1.9-0ubuntu0.8.04.5 (ubuntu0.8.04.1 causes duplicate dtoa references)
  15. libnspr4-dev >= 4.7.1+1.9-0ubuntu0.8.04.5
  16. msttcorefonts (Microsoft fonts)
  17. freetype-dev
  18. libcairo2-dev
  19. libdbus-1-dev
  20. wdiff (optional)
  21. lighttpd (optional)
  22. php5-cgi (optional)
  23. sun-java6-fonts (needed for Lucida) (optional)
Check this site for more details.

Chrome OS - New announcement

Google Chrome Operation System is announced today.
This is the news from official site.

以下文字翻譯/節錄自Google Chrome OS official site.

Google 在測試上希望達成兩個目標
1. 關注於短期釋出的開源碼的品質.
2. 建立自動化.

Google 利用以下的工具進行其自動化
1. autotest http://autotest.kernel.org/ for complete end-to-end testing of builds.
2. webdriver and selenium http://code.google.com/p/selenium/ to test through the Chrome web browse.